21 Day Wellbeing Transformation
Mindful Kids Melbourne is proud to offer the 21 Day Wellbeing Transformation. An engaging and enjoyable way to nurture your mental health and wellbeing. Our simple and easy to follow practices are perfect for those with busy schedules, as they don't require a lot of time but can still have a lasting impact on wellbeing.
Not sure where to start with your mindfulness practice? Mindful Kids Melbourne is the perfect place to begin your journey. Our 21-day Wellbeing Transformation Program offers tailored online content and tools to help you reach your goals and transform your mental health and wellbeing. Take the first step and register for this soon to be released program!

Parent Coaching
Parent Coaching is an opportunity to ask a qualified teacher the questions that you may not get the chance to ask your child's own classroom teacher.
Maybe they have started Prep and your not sure if what they are experiencing is normal; or how can you further support your child to develop problem solving skills to find friends on the playground. Sarah is available for 1:1 parent coaching to further support your parenting and your child's wellbeing.
With the experience of 15 years teaching in a variety of year levels and school settings, this is a fantastic option for parents to gain further ideas and support when helping their own children navigate their daily challenges.
Coaching sessions can be done via Zoom, phone or if possible in person. A free 20 minute chat is available to begin your parent coaching sessions.
Adult Online and Onsite Workshops
So often at MKM we hear adults say I wish I got to learn this at school, well now you can! MKM provides a variety of general adult and parenting workshops throughout the year. These workshops vary from one off online or onsite workshops to program series. Workshops aim to build skills of mindfulness and meditation to reduce stress and anxiety, supporting your mental health and wellbeing.
Workshops topics include
- Mindfulness and Meditation
- Developing Resileince in your Child
- Supporting Children transition to high school
Workshops vary in length and topics and are conducted via Zoom or onsite. Subscribe to be in the loop for when our next workshop will be taking place.

Coming in 2023!
Mindfulness and Wellbeing Master Class
If you didn't get to learn about Mindfulness and Positive Psychology strategies when you were young, now is the time!
This series of 4 online workshops and webinars will be open to anyone who is looking for practical ways to support their wellbeing in everyday life. Attend all four online workshops or choose the one or two that you are most interested in, it is up to you!
The Mindfulness and Wellbeing Master Class includes;
- Part 1- An introduction to the concept of mindfulness and meditation and includes practical mindfulness exercises to try that support your wellbeing.
- Part 2- A deeper dive into the science behind mindfulness and benefits of meditation, where you will be provided with a series of exercises to utilise as part of your self-care routines.
-Part 3- Practical ways to improve resilience and develop an understanding of your own individual character strengths.
-Part 4- Understanding the benefits of gratitude practices, developing growth mindset principles and practicing self-compassion. We all could do with a little more kindness to ourselves.
Our first series will begin later in 2023. Make sure you have subscribed to stay in the loop!
Happy Families
Having your children completing Peaceful Kids at the same time, is a great opportunity for the whole family to learn together.
Participating in one of our online adult workshops is a great chance to support your wellbeing as well as your childrens.
Discounts are available when making a booking for both adult and children's programs.